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Hydrogen as an energy source


Hydrogen Molecules


Hydrogen is receiving special interest as an energy storage medium, and recently as a primary fuel for power generation and as a substitute for batteries to power vehicles.

An industrial hydrogen market already exists where the main uses for hydrogen are oil refining and ammonia production.



Primordial Source


The first elements in the Universe were hydrogen and helium


Hydrogen is 73% of Universe mass and only 0.55 ppm of Earth's atmosphere1


Most hydrogen on Earth is combined in water or hydrocarbons


Elemental Hydrogen Sources


Elemental hydrogen (H2) sources:










Natural Progression into the Hydrogen Economy


natural progression


Hydrogen market value was $129.9 billion in 2021 with growth of 6.4%/year2



Hydrogen Uses



Current Hydrogen Sources






Being a leading soil gas company, GeoFrontiers is interested in the idea of applying soil gas techniques to explore for natural hydrogen reservoirs.  Encouragement comes from literature references reporting elevated hydrogen concentrations in soil gas over known or presumed hydrogen reservoirs.

The map below show one of GeoFrontiers' early surveys to determine hydrogen in soil gas.  Samples were collected in Apache County, Arizona, USA, by a third party.  GeoFrontiers’ laboratory supplied the sample containers and carried out the hydrogen sample analyses.



hydrogen map


Mapped hydrogen concentration data showed more than 2000 ppmv (parts per million by volume) which equals 0.2% hydrogen by volume in soil gas.  Several features and trends were apparent on the map. These preliminary data tell us the following:



The next step for hydrogen exploration is to determine if subsurface reservoirs coincide with locations of these surface hydrogen features.



1 Origin of the Elements, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories, 2000,, accessed July 2022

2,, accessed July 2022